Procuts   \   Aluminium ladders   \   Stepladder

An important part of our procuction range are also one and two-sided stepladders, which thanks to low weight and easy manipulation very usefull help in your house, apartment, store, office or school. Easy instalation and practical use

One-sided stepladder
One-sided stepladder
TypeA / mB / mC / mmD / mmE / mmF / mmh / mRungskg
29131,290,662804122642620,591 x 33,2
29141,520,82804362642620,811 x 43,7
29151,750,962804602642621,021 x 54,5
29161,971,112804842642621,231 x 65,2
29172,21,252805082642621,441 x 76,3
29182,431,42805312642621,661 x 87,3
TypeA / mB / mC / mmD / mmE / mmF / mmh / mRungskg
9131,290,662804122642620,591 x 33,2
9141,520,82804362642620,811 x 43,7
9151,750,962804602642621,021 x 54,5
9161,971,112804842642621,231 x 65,2
9172,21,252805082642621,441 x 76,3
9182,431,42805312642621,661 x 87,3
Two-sided stepladder
Two-sided stepladder
9220,420,463423880,42 x 21,8
9230,650,643424120,612 x 32,6
9240,880,823424370,822 x 43,4
9251,1113424611,032 x 54,2
9261,341,183424851,252 x 65,1
9271,571,363425091,462 x 76,8
9281,81,543425331,672 x 87,8